Finding a balance between​ work and school


Luka Siemionov
Weight Scale

Since starting my undergrad at Western University, I have always held a part-time job on top of my studies. At first, I felt completely alone because many of my peers only had to focus on their school workload. It wasn’t until I began working at local establishments that I realized there are many students, like myself, just trying to get by.

As if the transition from high school to university wasn’t enough, just throw a part-time job on top it, right?

At first, I struggled to find that balance us university students seek to have. After a few months, I was able to get into the swing of things. I realized that holding a part-time job actually allowed me to put time aside specifically for school work, resulting in higher grades. Most importantly, I found myself more organized in all other aspects of my life.

Below are a few tips and tricks I’ve found helpful in finding that perfect balance between work and school:

  • Use a planner: write down any important school or social life events for which you can use to book off any time required from work. This ensures you stay organized in balancing work, school, and anything outside of them.
  • Schedule “me” time: sometimes you can get lost in the hectic hours you spend on the go. It’s very important to make sure you set time aside for yourself to wind down. Find a hobby that you enjoy doing and make sure you set time aside to do it.
  • If you’re feeling overwhelmed, ask for help: your mental health is very important and often it can get overlooked. All universities provide counseling to those who seek it so don’t be afraid to reach out if you need to. Most importantly, you are not alone, I’ve found that talking to someone who is in the same position is also a great outlet.


Until next week,
